It’s Beyond a Joke – Menopause Mandate


Stories from Menopause Mandate supporters – It’s time to take menopause seriously!

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Stories from Menopause Mandate supporters – It’s time to take menopause seriously!

Back in the spring we asked our supporters to send in their menopause stories. Hundreds of you replied. We realised that these needed to be read by a wider audience; each tale of terrible symptoms, suicidal ideation, lost jobs and destroyed relationships represents thousands of women. That’s why our book – It’s Beyond A Joke – has been published.

Thank you to all who contributed and have made a difference with your words.

“This whole book has been shaped around the punchline of menopause. Our supporters have articulated the challenge of the journey through their own stories – menopause is definitely no joke!” Mariella Frostrup, Chair of MM

“Some of these stories are so sad, detailing the loss of quality of life, relationships, of a valuable workforce and even lives” Dr Juliet Balfour

Publishing this book has been made possible by the generosity and support of DMG Media, Harmsworth Media & Holland & Barrett.

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